Monday, March 3, 2008

New zoo IRC!

Hello everyone!

I created a zoo-themed IRC chatroom. You will need something like Xchat, mIRC, etc to connect:

Here are the connection details:
port 6667

If you need any help connecting or don't know how to use IRC just leave a comment and I will help you out :)


Anonymous said...

Connect to this chat through a simple web page @ :)

Once you have PC IRC client software installed (like mIRC), you can click on a HREF link (like any URL but make sure it is a irc:// link instead of a http:// type) to open up mIRC and it will connect to your channel automatically!

The IRC URL is:
irc:// (type or copy/paste to address bar in a web browser to test)

FoxFurry said...

I stole this channel, apparently you didnt have it registered so i registered it to myself so now i own it :3