Thursday, March 13, 2008

New places

One of the keys to success when writing about controversial topics is always being prepared for those who'd rather silence what you write.

Step 1) Create backups of all material from journals and blogs including their comments.
Step 2) Dump it on another site and keep people updated about it.

Some may ask what this is about. Well, nothing in particular right now. I'm getting roughly 50 messages a day and about 85% of of them are assholes who'd love to see me dead, and all zoos, animals taken away, and places like this blog removed from the Interwebs. A few good people suggested I stay on the safe side, keep doing what I'm doing, but be prepared to do it elsewhere if need be. I'm doing just that and will keep people updated on any changes. In the coming months I'm looking for a private host...

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